What crazy ride the weather in southern Indiana has been throughout most of the month of February!
Yesterday’s thunderstorm was still rumbling when I finally fell asleep, and here I am — just a few short hours later — and it’s snowing so hard I can’t even see the home of those pesky neighbors as I look out the window to my west. Letting the dogs out at the butt crack of dawn, I watched them make the first footprints in the falling snow. By the time I raised my photo to take a photo, Dharma was the only one left in view.

There’s a reason why Hugo is the star of most of my dog photos.
I’m not sure if Hugo hasn’t figured out the whole having his picture taken action yet, or if he is simply wants to be the main character in this dog show. What I do know is that almost every attempted photo of Dharma looks like the one above, or similar to the image below:

Raise a camera or my phone to snap a shot and ole’ Dharma turns away and snubs me. No amount of coaxing will bribe her to look my way.
Merida is similar in her attempts to foil any decent photographs, but her evasion tactics include spinning and continuous movement. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that the only decent pictures I’m going to get of the girls is as they sleep — or on the rare occasion I can catch them off guard.
Now you know: Dogs have a strong sense of personal space, and having a camera (even a phone’s camera) pointed directly at them can feel intrusive.