Where are all the people that used to be in the great American middle? I’m still here and can’t see but just a few folks nearby. Oh, and 3 dogs…

Stay off Facebook for a week and what’s the first post I’m shown in my feed?
“So, as middle-class people, what’s the plan for when our retired and disabled relatives lose their social security, Medicare and Medicaid?”
At my age, just the mere thought of cuts to SSI and Medicare make my stomach roll over. In addition, I worked for a dentist about 100 years ago and understand how important basic healthcare is for those who can’t afford to pay for it. We fixed teeth for a whole lot of kids with medicaid, and they should still be eating with them now… decades later.
Next, that FB post morphed into people commenting that Elon would still get his hair transplants, Viagra, and chin surgeries covered. I know the government pays for Viagra — at least for Veterans with PTSD & depression — but I’m not aware of money allocated for cosmetic procedures. Have you heard of any? And anyone that believes Elon needs the federal government to subsidize a few pills and work done by Bosley is a moron. 🙄
I simply can’t understand why some spew a constant barrage of scare tactics.
If you’re reading this, please don’t do that. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind on politics by scaring them on Facebook — that’s not why the majority of people visit that social media site anyway. Do you know why most go on social media?
Here are the top 2 reasons per research cited by ChatGPT:
- To stay connected. They want to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues.
- For entertainment and relaxation. They want to watch short video clips, laugh at memes, and engage in content for fun to pass the time.
To lighten things up on a Monday — there are 4 differences in the photos. Can you find them?

Now you know: The film Top Gun: Maverick was actively supported and influenced by the United States Department of Defense and the United States Navy to present the U.S. military in a positive light and aid in recruitment and retention.