More snow is in our forecast starting today for 2 days. We’re currently in the 6″-8″ zone, but “totals will shift/change as we draw closer,” per my favorite weatherman. Have I mentioned that I’m SICK of winter? Yup, my much loved snow has worn out its welcome around here. It’s time for the white kind of precipitation to move on north.
Do you ever feel impish? And then act on it?
Perry’s been sick for a week (feels like 3 months) and he went back to work yesterday. If Perry has a hangnail, he’s so sick he thinks he might die. I can look at him and say, “you don’t look like you feel well,” and his voice immediately takes on a whining tone and he’s off to bed. He’s also the least likely person to say anything that would hurt the feelings of another. As I was waiting on my laundry to dry so I could fold and put it away, a thought struck me that involved poor Perry.
I took a selfie and let AI do a bit of editing, then started the following text exchange…
Me: Welp, I screwed up I think.
Perry: How so?
Me: Sends photo (photo on the left below).
Perry: **loooong pause**
Me: No words, right?
Perry: You have bangs.

He didn’t say it definitely WAS a huge mistake — or even that I look like a big turd.
I followed-up his generic response by sending him the real photo (photo on the right above). His reply came immediately, “I’m so kicking your butt.“
The moral of this story is that it’s sometimes ok to act on impish thoughts. We both had a good laugh and I now know that bangs are no longer an option.
But going gray? Hmmmm…

Now you know: You can’t legally buy Jack Daniel’s whiskey in the town where the Jack Daniel’s distillery is located. Lynchburg, TN is located in Moore County. It’s a “dry county” so it’s legal to distill alcohol, just not legal to sell it.