Perry’s birthday is in 3 days. The gift I ordered for him arrived yesterday, he carried it in from the mailbox, and I told him to open it early. I’m probably as excited about it as he is…

What are you comprised of Hugo?
The cheek swab is over and his sample is being sent off today. The wait time on results is 2-4 weeks. Besides the breed breakdown, ancestry family tree, and geographical origins, it also includes a relative finder. We can meet Hugo’s relatives if they’re in the Embark database. 😳
Perry said, “Maybe we’ll find the bastard that starved him and left him to die.” I hope not, and I doubt that will be the case. If you’re going to abuse, starve, and dump a dog… it’s not likely you’ve ever cared enough about one to buy a DNA kit.
Stay tuned to find out how many different breeds contributed to create Hugo…
There’s a questionnaire that accompanies the DNA kit that asked for his weight — he’s currently at 48 pounds and I’m sure hoping he doesn’t get any bigger.
Now you know: Dandelions are thought to have evolved about 30 million years ago in Eurasia. They have been used by humans as food and medicine for most of recorded history. It is thought they were brought to North America on the Mayflower.