combovers are back in style if you’re in junior high

Feb 23, 2025

Coco had a major case of bed head this morning as she was enjoying breakfast here at the barndo. I asked her what the deal was with combing her hair across her forehead pulling strands from the side of her head. She said, “because it looks cool!

I let her know it looks like a combover.

coco has a combover

I’m also not a fan of the chokers kids wear now — like the one Coco has on in the photo above. Not really fair since I wore chokers made with teeny tiny beads when I was her age. My Nanny probably didn’t like that fashion statement any better than I like the current one.

I’m sure all this means is that I’m older than dirt.

The longer you live the more you see styles repeat themselves. In high school, I wore hip-hugger bell bottoms and I’ve seen those come around a time or two since then. High waisted Mom jeans are around now and they were also popular when Ben was young. Yes, I wore those too. Mini skirts and ankle boots… converse high tops… I could go on and on.

How many styles can you name that were once popular and have repeated in popularity more than once?

Now you know: Triple murderer Melvin Chelcie Carr accidentally asphyxiated himself while gassing his three victims to death in 1977. His wife came home and found them all dead in the garage.