sweet honesty — 100% not political

Mar 1, 2025

I ran across a meme that showed a spray bottle of raspberry spritz and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. The accompanying text said, “what every girl smelled like in the 90s.

Just seeing that threw my brain into the way back machine…

The first bottle of perfume I ever owned was Sweet Honesty by Avon.

Mid 70’s and I’m not sure how long I begged before my Momma broke down and ordered a bottle for me. She was one of those Avon women. I remember the little order books laying around and the delivery of all the fancy men’s fragrance bottles shaped like cars, etc. I likely guilted her into the purchase.

Even back then, Sweet Honesty wasn’t all that expensive and everyone wore it. Nothing about being distinct or standing out back then — my goal was to smell exactly like everyone else. 🙂

Even though those currently around me the majority of the time don’t care what I smell like, I still like nice perfumes.

puppies don't care what I smell like

How about you? Do you remember the first fragrance that was your very own?

Now you know: George Washington ordered smallpox inoculation for all troops during the American Revolution. “we have more to dread from it than from the sword of the enemy.”