The barndo has two heat pumps and 6 mini-split units PLUS it has an outside boiler with radiant floor heat. Because I’m not the one putting wood in the outside boiler in the snow, sleet and rain, I only have ONE complaint.
It doesn’t heat up or cool off instantly.
In the wintertime, it’s the best! The floors stay warm and feel wonderful on bare feet even when it’s bitter cold outside. We have a thermostat just like with any other kind of heat. When it’s set on 72°, it’s 72° everywhere downstairs. Of course, heat rises so even the upstairs is easy to manage.
The problem occurs on days like yesterday. The morning was cool and temps reached almost 80° by late afternoon. To keep the house warm when it was so cool overnight, warm water was pushed through the floors. That warm water — around 180° — takes a long time to cool off. A very long time. That means the office — with the windows open — hit 77°.
It was more comfortable outside than it was inside.
It’s supposed to be more temperature regulated and comfortable inside your home than it is outside no matter what the weather is. Not at the barndo!

It was good to get outside anyway… away from computers and work. Just ask Hugo — he thought the weather yesterday was grand. 🙂

Now you know: Lobsters urinate from their face. They also pee on each other’s faces to communicate social status.