it’s crazy the things we notice sometimes…

Mar 13, 2025

I did an online grocery order this morning. I forgot 2 items and went back to add them to my already completed cart. Walmart then offers suggestions of other things I might want. Strawberries, bread, chicken, and eye liner? And that’s when I saw it! Did you know that cheap Walmart eyeliner is actually $748.00 an ounce? Woah!

As random humans, the crazy things we notice likely won’t be the same.

Because of a mix of psychological, social, and biological factors that shape how we perceive and prioritize the world around us, we don’t see things the same. It’s like everyone’s walking around with their own custom spotlight, illuminating a slightly different slice of reality.

Take this photo for example…

sleeping Hugo

I notice how Hugo looks like a baby insofar as the way he’s positioned while sleeping. Y’all probably see a dog stretched out taking a nap. 🙂

Can you think of one thing you notice that others might overlook?

Now you know: In 2008 a 20-year-old Belgium student died after reheating and eating leftover spaghetti that had been left out on the kitchen counter for five days. A bacteria called bacillus cereus was found to be the cause, which is an extreme type of food poisoning called “Fried Rice Syndrome”. 🤢