still winter and it feels like it today

Mar 16, 2025

Windy and MUCH cooler, it actually feels like winter today. Hugo was watching for the sun, but even after multiple tries he never once saw it.

Hugo is sun searching

My windows are closed again.

With cooler temps back in southern Indiana, I had to close the windows so there’s no more fresh air circulating in the barndo. According to a Purdue study, I’m likely risking my health because of fragrance air pollution.

I love candles and wax melts, often use cleaning products and scented sprays, and like most women, I also use beauty products. Those are all included in the chemical products that can trigger or intensify symptoms of allergies, headaches and cardiovascular disease.

What to do when it’s cold outside?

If you can’t improve ventilation and air filtration — and you still want fragrance while using unscented products — they suggest using flowers, pine cones, eucalyptus, and try your hand with a simmer pot. All those things sure sound like a lot of work to me… and I figure the windows will be open again very soon.

Do you worry about fragrance air pollution in your home?

If so, what are you doing — or are you willing to do — to combat it?

Now you know: Prior to the Reagan era trickle down economics was called Horse and Sparrow Theory, as in feed the horse lots of oats and the sparrows get to pick it out of their poop.