I know the steps to miles calculation to be close to accurate because that’s what I put in yesterday. They weren’t easy steps either… they including stacking wood, using a push mower, and wielding a weed whacker.
What senior woman with a bad back stacked all the wood? ME! 👵🏼

There were a few times I thought about giving up and tackling the rest another day — and the way my back feels I probably should have — but I kept after it until it was finished. Besides all that, I also mowed the entire yard (after the photo above).
To finish the day, I watered all my flowers, and then it rained. Heh.
I have a rewarding sense of fulfillment as I reflect back on all that I accomplished. It’s like a profound satisfaction of a task conquered.
I also feel really sore and extraordinarily old now. 😵💫
Now you know: Half of all plastics ever made were made in the last 15 years.