Twenty-nine (29!!) days so far that I’ve been quarantined with dogs. Oh my goodness it feels like 290. I haven’t had a single beer in the past 29 days but that’s only because I’m not a fan of beer and there’s none in the refrigerator.
What to do while sheltered in place?
I try to do something extra every single day. Rather than go out with family and/or friends, I take that time to do at least one thing. There are days I accomplish many — and other days I struggle to complete that one. Today, I colored my hair and re-potted a plant.
While that doesn’t sound like much, there’s a tiny feeling of accomplishment when any task is done. I accomplished something. I keep the tasks small so I don’t disappoint myself.
Other steps that may/may not help…

Now that the weather is warmer, I have windows open for fresh air. Although I’m not a true believer in the power of essential oils, I diffuse orange oil that’s said to be effective at reducing levels of stress and anxiety. I also have an air purifier that sits on the floor by my desk — but Merida constantly turns it off. On purpose.
I go outside some every day (even when it’s colder — not when it’s raining), and eat a whole lot of comfort foods. If you’ve gained more than five pounds while sheltered at home, raise your hand. (ME!!)
And finally, for this day #29 quarantined with dogs, I’ll leave you with something I saw on Facebook:

Please don’t be a jackass. 🙂