Not sure about you guys, but when my phone rings at 3:00 AM, I bolt up in bed and my heart beats about a bajillion times a minute. That’s exactly what happened to me this morning. Back to work tomorrow and I feel like I haven’t had a weekend off.

See, it’s because it was my boss that called so early. The fact is — he’s also my (used to be favorite — still only) brother. So I need one of these voodoo dolls ASAP. And pins. LOTS and lots of them. Sticking pins in a voodoo doll of your boss is supposed to be mood lifting. I figure I’m owed at least that much.
When my phone rings in the middle of the night I automatically conjure the worst possible scenario. The pesky non-neighbors were driving about 1k miles back to Indiana, my favorite little human was visiting her Mom, and my only sibling — the one that butt dialed me — lives about 1800 miles away.
I sent him a text that said, “You just called me and it’s 3:00 AM ET.“
He replied, “Ugh. So sorry.“
I’m thinking once I get a voodoo doll, he will be. 🙂