The Joys of Winter

Jan 28, 2009

Posted by Perry

A well documented fact about me is my loathing of winter. I dislike being cold, wet, and the dreary days of the season. There are some who see the first really big snowfall as something magical, beautiful and clean looking – I see it and think ” Man, now I’m going to have to dig through this stuff!”

The past couple of days have brought snow and ice to the ‘burg and with it comes one of the joys of the season – snow shoveling. I awoke, drank some coffee and had a cigarette to get me going, drank another cup because I was cold, then had one more just to find the inspiration contained in the magic elixir. Finally, it was time to take Libby outside and get to shoveling.

I don’t know about you, but shoveling snow isn’t very hard – provided its just snow. What I encountered, however, was a thick layer of the white stuff covered by a layer of ice which in turn was covered by another layer of snow. Oh the fun times to be had!

I started by the garage in order to make a path from it to the deck. This stuff came up in huge chunks, I was constantly breaking it apart in order to get to the ground easier. Libby thought the whole thing was a hoot, she ran through the deepest drifts she could find and would come back covered in the stuff. It must be fun to be a dog…

After a while of shoveling, a man with a plow on his truck asked if I would be interested in him plowing the drive for twenty bucks – best money I ever spent. Libby, on the other hand, didn’t like the fact that her plaything was being removed and barked her disapproval – the lady knows what she likes and will let you know it.

The drive is mostly clear, we have a path in both the front, and back of the house, and Libby still has drifts to plow her brown body through. I can finally sit down for a smoke, a hot cup of coffee, and thaw out my feet.

Did I mention I REALLY miss summer and lawn mowing?