What an eventful Sunday — although the biggest part of it was spent watching weather updates, clearing tornado warnings from my phone, and getting an occasional glimpse of Perry’s Bengals on the field — there’s this 3 year-old that LOVES football, and she kept us entertained. Colette doesn’t care what team is playing (other than the Colts because of Reggie Wayne), but cheers from the cheap box seats, “GO FOOTBALL!”
When everyone went home once the storms had cleared, I popped on Facebook and found a link to an article that was a tad interesting considering I had a root canal last week. The article (97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure) explains that microscopic organisms move in and around tubules inside teeth after a root canal procedure “like gophers in underground tunnels.”
Oh, and this crippled wheelchair-bound woman had a tooth with a root canal that appeared to be ok, but they pulled it anyway and implanted into this rat. The rat took on her illness and died 10 days later — and she was HEALED, you guys! You can click the link up there and read all about the horrible diseases you’ll be sure to get if you leave a dead body part (that darned tooth with the nerves removed) inside your body.