there are bunnies everywhere!

Jan 16, 2014


If you’re looking for rabbits in the above photo you’re not going to find any. You should instead see a proverb that is all about focus — learning that we can’t do everything and should concentrate instead on doing the most important thing. (Oh, and you should also notice the snow flurries.)

“The man chasing two rabbits catches none.”

Professionally, the one thing that occupies the most hours of my day (the fastest bunny) is email management. Sorting through the mounds of SPAM to find the 6 email messages from the same person asking a different question in each correspondence is a huge time sink (bunnies multiply really, really fast).

But here’s the problem — there isn’t a proverb that tells us we have to feed and water said rabbit we’ve caught… and that we must nurture it… make certain it gets exercise and is content. While taking care of the rabbits you’ve already got may challenge your focus insofar as chasing/catching the next rabbit, what happens if you don’t? I guess tomorrow I should talk about time management and dog ownership…

What’s the biggest challenge you face that works to destroy YOUR focus?