I read an article today about a Dad that was outraged over a question that appeared on his Freshman daughter’s biology quiz. After reading the question, I can understand how he might be a bit concerned — but the vitriol expressed in comments reference the article? Ugly. And someone even commented with the name of the teacher who provided the quiz so a whole bunch of haters could hate on her personally too.
The question was: “She had the state take a blood test of potential fathers. Based on the information in this table, why was the baby taken away by the state after the test?”
The options for baby daddy and mother and their blood types were: Mother, Type O; Baby, Type AB; Bartender, Type O; Guy at the club, Type AB; Cabdriver, Type A; Flight attendant, Type B.
The father responded back to the teacher by saying, “We teach our children not to sleep around.” His reasoning — “It’s teaching them that it’s OK to not know who it is because you can have the state help you. And if they can’t help you, they are going to take your child away, and it’s not the way it is.”
While I “get it” that the question might have been worded a bit differently, I guess the Freshman’s Daddy didn’t take Biology 101. THE STATE TOOK THE BABY AWAY BECAUSE THERE IS SIMPLY NO WAY THAT BABY COULD’VE BELONGED TO THAT MOTHER! Period. Daddy should’ve responded with, “We teach our children not to steal babies.” — then he might’ve had a valid complaint.
All those who made comments like ‘this is an example of what the world is coming to’ and ‘the reason only one parent complained is because not one other parent cared enough to LOOK at the homework’, etc… I might suggest that you pick something worthwhile to complain about. There’s plenty of REAL stuff going on that’s horrible. I think sometimes people look for something to complain about — ESPECIALLY when they can remain anonymous online and pick apart the lives of others. To me, that’s a much worse problem than a poorly worded biology quiz question because that type of behavior breeds hate and encourages bullying. Just my opinion of course. 🙂