I had a Lumbar Microdiscetomy in August. While I expected to be one of those “healed the day after surgery” people I’ve talked to along the way, that isn’t how it’s been for me. It’s been an journey — and I’m still on it. The good news is that I’m finally feeling more like myself and I’m committed to a healthier lifestyle. (I said healthier… not healthy.) I walk more; I eat less; and I don’t smoke.
There’s one thing that’s helped — my Jawbone UP band. This fitness tracker reminds me when I need to go to bed (because I NEVER get enough sleep) and it buzzes when I’ve been in front of the computer too long (sitting long periods of time was my worst back infraction). It’s the reason my jeans are now all too big and why I’ve watched about every season ever made of Criminal Minds (one episode on Netflix is 42 minutes — and is what I typically walk each time I’m on the treadmill).
I’m guessing that I’ll replace my UP24 when Apple’s watch comes out — but no matter what I use to track my activity, I’m committed to continuing tracking as a motivator. This has been one journey I hope to never again repeat.