My favorite brother and colleague sent an email to me that said, “I just subscribed to this to see if it can keep me more organized — so far, I really like it.” He was referring to an app that I’ve been using for about 3 months. I should’ve said something. I’ll share it with you guys since I dropped the ball once already.
The app is called “CLOZE” and it’s all about relationship management. It not only tracks your email (letting you code your contacts as business or whatever relationship you have with them — and adding their business domain into your ‘business’ list) but it also tracks phone calls, meetings, documents and tons more. If paid by the year, it’s about $13/mo… and it’s WELL WORTH the money, you guys. For example…
I got a text message from a friend this morning. In Cloze, I select him in my “people” list and can see when we last exchanged emails and had a phone conversation. We have no ongoing projects. I click on the “social” tab and see that he posted about NASCAR on Twitter on Sunday. A list of all the people we have in common is right there too. If I had him flagged as a customer/client — Cloze would’ve already notified me that it’s been too long since we last connected and reminded me to reach out. I should create a similar rule for friends too. 🙂
But think about it from a business/sales standpoint — if this friend was instead a customer/client and I wanted to nurture that relationship and open a dialog — what better way than to send a quick message referencing his Tweet? Something like, “I think of @RobbyGordon whenever I see the 7 car too!”
Check out CLOZE and thank me later.
Dharma’s doesn’t need CLOZE and her communication skills are spot on. Here she is letting me know she isn’t interested in coming inside: