I’m totally lost…

Mar 11, 2008

posted by Shelley

As I type this post, I’m missing my own computer desperately. This computer doesn’t have all my favorite bookmarks, I can’t remember any passwords and it takes me at least 10 times longer to do even the simplest tasks. I should be back to normal within the next day or so. **crosses fingers**

I was talking to my brother today about my computer issues and the need for more hard drive space just to do a backup of everything I require just to operate. I have a spare MAC and I have his laptop (I don’t even count the PCs I have as real computers), but neither had enough space to hold all my stuff. We reminisced about the good ole’ days when we didn’t think we would EVER fill up a 50 gig hard drive — and now, I need more than that just for my music folder.

So today I make an appointment online at the Apple Store in Louisville and head to the Oxmoor Mall. Walking in the door, I’m greeted by a geeky-looking guy that took the computer and carried it for me to the Genius Bar — all the way introducing himself and asking how he might help. I explain i have an appointment, he notifies the gentleman ‘genius’ that I’ve arrived and after about 10 minutes of troubleshooting, my sick computer is staying overnight in the nearby state for emergency surgery. If you’ve never been to an Apple Store, you don’t know what you’re missing. It’s the total experience. Even if you’re not a MAC fan, I promise you would be impressed.

Upon arriving home, I’m having trouble getting connected to one of my high-speed Internet connectivity accounts. Yes, I have 2 because neither are reliable enough to depend on for my line of work. I have to have 2 just to make certain I have a backup plan when one or the other craps out on me. Sad, but true. Still upbeat even though I’m without my computer (I could probably function better with one arm), I call Insight to ask a couple questions — simple ones that any technical support person within an Internet service provider company should know.

Me: I’m having a problem sending email through Insight. Do you require authentication?
Him: I don’t know.
Me: Well, I don’t know either! That’s why I called. Is there anyone else that might know?


Me: Ok, I’ll try to figure this out on my own, and if I can’t, I’ll try back later and see if I can get a representative that can help me.
Him: Have a nice day (with sarcasm dripping from the words.)

Now let me say that at least this gentleman spoke English, and I understood his lame answer. But tell me, since he didn’t know the answer to a legitimate paying customer’s question, wouldn’t you think he would’ve instead said, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out for you?” The Apple Store would’ve had that guy around about 5 seconds. Not only would he never qualify for ‘genius status’, he wouldn’t have been fit to carry my MAC to the help desk.