too young to remember…

Sep 13, 2021

I may be old but I’m too young to remember being worried about polio. I worried about HIV because I was working in a dental office that not only served the general population of my county, but also the inmates of the local jail. For the first time, I was careful with blood and spit — that’s when we started wearing gloves during procedures. When the photo below was taken, my biggest worry was where I was going to live once our clothes were packed. 🙂 Taken circa 1985…

Ben is COVID positive. Mayo Clinic research states that Moderna is 76% effective at preventing a breakthrough infection. While Ben has fallen into that 24%… I’m going to remain (hopefully) in that 76 percentile. Ben and Colette are quarantined together.

Perry is also feeling pretty darned rough. His Pfizer vaccine (according to Mayo Clinic) is only 46% effective at preventing breakthrough infections. He’ll get tested today but wonders if the SEVEN shots he had yesterday are the cause of his slight fever, fatigue, etc. He went for a flu vaccine and they talked him into also getting shots for pneumonia, meningitis and more… all the way to a tetanus shot.

Our local school district will vote on a mask mandate at their meeting tomorrow night. I’ve seen several posts on social media encouraging people to come and share their thoughts. I don’t know what my thoughts are! I believe kids need to be in school. I don’t get why they were shut down at the onset when children were rarely getting the virus — and now that the delta variant has changed that, schools are kept open. I hate to see kids forced to sit in masks all day, don’t know how effective they are anyway, and figure the chances of younger ones wearing them properly is slim. Buuuutttt…. I also don’t want any child to be sick.

Just the thought of mask mandates on school buses (already in place) gives me anxiety. Good grief! I can’t imagine 60 kids behind me with the added distraction of wearing a mask and making sure everyone on board was wearing one too.

The feeling of “safety” after vaccination was pretty short lived for me. I “get it” that most hospitalizations and deaths from COVID are among the unvaccinated. And while I can’t remember polio, I do remember watching the movie with John Travolta called ‘The Boy in the Plastic Bubble.’ That’s what life feels like right now.