Am I an Attentive Creator?

Apr 21, 2008

posted by Shelley

I found a cool personality-type test today while working on a project. I don’t normally participate in those things primarily because I don’t want to be bombarded with email SPAM. Taking this test doesn’t require that you provide any of that to take the test…it’s only required if you want to save it or share it. Sooooo…I merely took the test and printed the results to a PDF file (easy if you’re on a MAC.)

So here’s my personal DNA:

My summary goes something like this:

Your imagination, confidence, willingness to explore, and appreciation of beauty make you a CREATOR. You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency. Defying convention, you are very innovative, and you have a vivid imagination. You have a strong interest in what is new and exciting. You trust yourself to be innovative and resourceful.

Because you like spending time with others, and often know what is best for them, you are ATTENTIVE. Although you care about others, you are hesitant to trust them to act in the best way on their own. If someone has hurt your feelings, that person will hear about it. People energize and excite you, but you don’t always share things that are important to you. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you’re not hesitant to express yourself.

So to all your friends/family out there — is that me??

Take the test, and then make sure you leave a comment to this post to let us know your label! (You have to register to post.)