It was almost 7:00 PM when I stopped working to take the dogs for a walk. Today hit 70 degrees and it was sunny — and even this evening, it was warm enough to walk comfortably in shorts and a sweatshirt. Really awesome weather for the burg in early March. On the trip back, I noticed what looked like a red strand of Christmas lights draped across the horizon. No camera this time, but you can take my word for it, it was beautiful.
In this geographic location, it’s easy to make excuses in the wintertime for sitting at a computer for a ton of hours every day — and it’s compounded when you work from home and don’t HAVE to get out-and-about at all if you don’t want to. Really, what are you going to do in the winter with a short amount of time that removes you from your work/home atmosphere that doesn’t include being uncomfortably cold? Nada.
But I gotta tell ya, it’s amazing how a simple short walk helps to release the day’s tension, and I’m thrilled it’s warming up here to the point I’m not making excuses. Even short walks make you healthier! The other awesome thing? When the hounds get that walk, their tension goes away too…