I’ve taken photos of everyone and everything since I’ve been back in the Ville but I don’t think I’ve shared even one photo of me here. No me roasting marshmallows. No me sitting in an Adirondack chair. No me enjoying the new place outside or inside. No me at all!
I figure it’s time to produce some evidence.

You guys, I’m so much more comfortable here. And… we have a closing date — sort of. I spoke with the Abstract Company and was told we’d be wrapping everything up by the end of next week. Yippee!
So much to do!
I have so many things I need to do once the closing is over, but in the meantime… at least I’m here. And it’s confirmed!

TIL (Today I Learned): Candies such as candy corn, whoppers and milk duds are covered in an insect secretion. (What??)