Is there anything that doesn’t need fixing around here?

Oct 7, 2022

I understand that with home ownership there’s constant upkeep. I “get it” that things happen and items break and need repair. But holy cow! I feel like everything… EVERYTHING around here needs attention. Some things need more attention than others.

There’s a hill here that I don’t feel comfortable mowing on the rider. (Carl threatened me with a whoopin’ if he caught me mowing it.) I thought I’d just run the push mower out there and have it done in 15-minutes. But no!

lawnmower has broken wheel

That’s just one example. I could’ve listed 100 instead. 🙂 And like that’s not enough…

they took stuff they should’ve left here…

In case y’all don’t know this already, if you have a security system it’s part of the house. If it’s a hard-wired system it’s considered the same as a toilet. You don’t get to take that shit with you if you sell. I got left 4 mounted cameras with wires hanging in an inside closet. There was one ethernet cable connected to some unknown place under the house just laying in the garage part.

It was easier to start over.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on.

That’s a Jimmy Buffett song I sing to myself many times every day.

just move on

According to my watch, the time is now
Past is dead and gone
Don’t try to shake it, just nod your head
Breathe in, breathe out, move on


TIL (Today I Learned): Charles Schulz resisted adding a black character to Peanuts for fear of being perceived as patronizing. He changed his mind after MLK’s death and a letter from a school teacher. In his introductory comic, Franklin meets Charlie Brown at the beach.