to sleeve: xoxo

Mar 26, 2010

Friday is normally my favorite day of the week — but not today. After working at my desk since 9:00 AM EST, at 6:15 PM EST I notice a lump on my arm. I’m not talking about a little pimple type bump — I’m talking about a bulge.

Upon inspecting the bulge, I do a little digging and from my sleeve pull a very pretty pair of hot-pink panties! Evidently, the panties decided to hide there while mingling with the shirt in the dryer. Please note that no one told me I had an ugly, lumpy arm — not Perry, Ben, Amber or the FedEx dude! Either they just didn’t have the nerve to tell me — or they didn’t even notice. I’m not sure which is worse. *sigh*

If Mr. FedEx would’ve delivered this yesterday, none of this would’ve happened today. 🙂

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