here’s what she looks like now…

Oct 21, 2023

You’ve seen it. Photos of some entertainer in the prime of life with the click bait title of “here’s what she looks like now” along with some hideous teaser image. The person depicted that prompted my thoughts is Goldie Hawn. I wonder how many times photos of her have been used to garner clicks over the years.

What do people expect?

Goldie’s Laugh In photos from 1968 are compared to her look today at almost 78 years-old. We’re supposed to think, “Holy hell — what happened to HER?

What happened to her? Welp, she aged 55 years. 🙄

In my book, she looks AMAZING, then and now. Again, realize there’s a 55 year gap between the photos AND the age of the subject. I’ve seen a whole bunch of women (and men) that don’t look as good as she does now by the time they hit 55… you know, before adding another 23 years. She exercises, she takes care of her body, and she’s the founder of an organization recognized for preventative mental health work. Go Goldie!

Why Goldie and not Betty White?

Think about it… Betty White wasn’t the subject of “then and now” ridicule. Why? I’m guessing because you aren’t going to find photos of Betty in her early 20’s looking like Goldie — and at 78, Betty looked, dressed, and acted like a 78 year-old woman.

I figure I’m somewhere in between the two. While I look my age (and some days feel MUCH older), I’m not embracing gray hair and frumpy grandma clothes. Not yet anyway. 😉

Who do you more closely align with? Are you a Goldie or a Betty? If you’re a guy — are you Rod Stewart or Jack Nicholson?

The thing is… neither answer is wrong. Life marches on… our physical appearance changes. It’s life, y’all. It’s the way of nature — just like what’s going on around here:

And finally, after 24-hours not a single mouse is in the bucket of death.

Now you know: Goldie Hawn’s real name is… Goldie Hawn.