a time hop back to 3 years ago

May 4, 2024

Three years ago today, it was gloomy and raining when I awoke in Seymour, Indiana — before the move to rural C’ville. I had 5 tomato plants with no place to put them in the ground to grow. Instead, I planted them in bags and set them in the backyard so my neighbors wouldn’t see them.

Tomato plants are ugly although they produce an amazing fruit!

Yes, tomatoes are fruits (technically berries) that are considered vegetables by nutritionists. That doesn’t make them look any better as they grow.

Fast forward to the present…

I have zero tomato plants and plenty of room to plant them. I even have the spot picked out.

home of a future garden

Although I love home-grown tomatoes, I now have Mr. Pesky whose garden is a stone’s throw away. Besides that… I feel like I’m working so very hard just to catch up, and I simply lack the time for yet another outside project this year.

Maybe, when I do a time hop in three years back to today, I’ll be bragging about the tomatoes already planted in my small garden spot, and sharing photos of those ugly plants alongside green onions and cucumbers.

Now you know: John Von Neumann worked on the first atomic bomb and the first computer. He described genetic self-replication before the discovery of DNA — and other things to numerous to mention. He has often been called the smartest man ever.