if only we could go back in time

May 12, 2024

Merida, my 4-legged shadow, follows me everywhere I go. My bathroom and closet is upstairs since I moved my personal items out of the main bathroom on the lower level. It’s 15 steps up and I never make those alone.

My black hound patiently waits for me until I head back downstairs.

Merida waits for me always.

Dharma can’t navigate stairs or she’d be up there too. She’s simply not able to climb — especially not stairs that are much too narrow and steep.

If I could go back in time, I’d change things.

If I could change those stairs — without spending a ton of money — I’d use the do-over to make them deeper and not as steep! Not sure why the previous owners didn’t choose a different location or cut into a closet to make them “normal.”

narrow stairway at the barndo

If Apple could go back in time, they’d change things too.

Have you seen the latest controversy surrounding the Apple video posted to Tim Cook’s Twitter and Apple’s YouTube.com channel? Called “Crush,” it depicts the crushing of musical instruments, paints, camera lenses, books, movie characters, sculptures, and more, to introduce the new iPad Pro.

Of course, it’s meant to infer that the iPad can do it all, but creators weren’t happy about it and voiced their displeasure. In a way I see their point. Someone that’s spent decades learning to play guitar doesn’t want a reminder that a novice can create something similar using Garage Band. On the other hand, people sure do get butt hurt over everything these days.

Apple has since apologized and cancelled plans to use the video for TV ads.

Not sure if Apple would like to go back in time more than me, but it would be great if we could both get a do-over.

Now you know: In 1985, an Army supply clerk at Fort Carson, Colorado, accidentally ordered a $28,000 anchor instead of a $6 lamp due to mistyping the requisition number. Nobody in the supply chain asked why a mechanized unit needed a 10 ton anchor until it arrived.