summer will be here in less than 20 days

Jun 10, 2024

It’s not officially summer until June 20th, but we’re geared up and ready right now.

I’m about to share FOUR “firsts” as we ease out of the spring season:

First ripe tomatoes this year were delivered by the Pesky neighbors on June 7th. They were delicious and I can’t wait until the vines are all full!

first ripe tomatoes

First time I’ve seen a snake skin here at the barndo. A snake and a snake’s skin in one week? Dude better be eating his weight in frogs and mice hourly for me to think it’s ok for him to stick around.

first snake skin

First time the ground has been filled in around the pool. Landscaping has started!

landscaping pool area

First time I’ve seen anyone dress like it’s 20° when it’s actually 80° outside. (In her defense — the sun wasn’t shining and it was windy.)

Mom & Carl

No matter how old you are, there are plenty of “firsts” to look forward to.

And finally… remembering my Dad on his birthday…

Yesterday, June 9th, my Dad would’ve been 95 years-old had he not passed in 2004. Sure do miss him. ❤️

Linda, Dad, and Aunt Shirley

Now you know: In the 50s, Disneyland offered fishing on Tom Sawyer Island in an area called Catfish Cove. Guests could borrow a pole and a can of worms to try and catch fish. They offered to clean, ice and store them until close at a restaurant. It was promptly ended after fish were discarded all over the park.