extended computer work is hard on the eyes

Jun 20, 2024

Sad to admit this, but I didn’t take time to even shower until day #3 after my recent server breach. I’m now clean and smell amazing. Even Merida is happy things are almost back to normal.

My brain is full of code and my eyes are strained to the breaking point. I’m not sure which is causing my head to feel like it might explode. It might be a combination of the two.

A business model that works — but sucks.

Winning business model: Company A partners with Company B. Company B is a huge company with a bajillion customers. Company A secures the partnership for a low ball amount of money (maybe free) just to gain access to those bajillion customers. Then, Company A can gouge those bajillion customers for a bajillion dollars while providing less than stellar service.

I’m one of those gouged bajillion customers. The reason it works for Company B (my host company in this case) is because it requires a whole lot of extra work to take my business elsewhere. Sucks… but it works. 🙁

And finally, today is the first day of summer, y’all! 😎

Booyah! Let’s get this party started. The pool is calling my name and I deserve to spend some time doing nothing.

Now you know: Atropine (the drug used to dilate eyes) is made from the “Belladonna plant”. The name “bella donna” is derived from Italian and means “beautiful woman”, because the herb was used hundreds of years ago by women to dilate their pupils to make them appear seductive.