making the best of disappointing situations

Jun 22, 2024

Perry’s store was supposed to close yesterday for a rebuild and relaunch in early 2025. It didn’t happen. In addition, his vacation was supposed to begin yesterday, as well. And… that didn’t happen either.

Perry looking at his phone

His store’s close date has been moved to some unknown future date that shouldn’t be that far off. Everything hinges on the construction crew. Because the closing should happen soon, his time off also hinges on that same construction crew. It’s disappointing for him, no doubt about it.

Focus on what you can control.

It’s difficult when everything is a cluster, but Perry isn’t dwelling on what he can’t change. He’s better at rolling with the flow than I am, and is navigating the disappointment in the best way possible. I’d be flipping my shit. 🙂

A relaxing environment where you can unplug from work pressure helps too.

mini solo stove

Another scorcher today. Wonder how well Perry will navigate getting roasted while in the pool. I’m guessing he’ll be bright red before 1:00 PM.

Now you know: Popcorn icon Orville Redenbacher Died By Drowning in A Hot Tub.