at first it sounded like firecrackers…

Jun 23, 2024

Perry and I were sitting outside yesterday late afternoon. We heard something that first sounded like firecrackers being set off just east of the barndo. After lots of pops and cracks… BOOM!

The boom let us know it was a tree falling and not firecrackers.

downed tree at the barndo

In the photo above, it doesn’t look like much, but there are 2 trees there in total. It started with a tree that was obviously dead, and it took out the healthy sycamore — that’s visible in the photo — on its way down.

This is the culprit that started it all.

ash tree broken

Pretty sure it’s an ash tree. And, I’m pretty sure that ash borers are the cause. Purdue says the emerald ash borer is still one of the most damaging insect pests ever to invade North American forests.

Does everything bad originate in China?

The little turds were first detected in the US in 2002 and are thought to have been introduced from China via the wood from shipping crates.

Perry took out his chainsaw (probably shipped from China) and cleaned up the debris in the road. Next, I called my buddy, Fluff. He’s supposed to be here later this morning to clean up the mess.

It’s time for something good to happen.

I’m getting a bit tired of all the bad being thrown around here lately. 🙁

Now you know: “Death crystals” are blue-green inclusions found inside of certain white blood cells in severely ill patients. After first being identified in a patient there is a 56% mortality rate within 2 weeks.