what i learned from the presidental debate

Jun 28, 2024

I watched the presidential debate from start to finish. At the end of it all, I didn’t change my opinion on either candidate. I was expecting exactly what was delivered by both of them.

I didn’t form any new opinions. I wish both would’ve stayed on topic a bit better — but when they didn’t, I expected that too. I didn’t learn anything. Did you?

I thought the entire debate was as predictable as the sun setting in rural C’ville.

rural indiana

What isn’t predictable is who Trump will choose for a running mate. It’s important, no doubt about it.

Even strong Democrats have at least thought about the possibility that if Biden is elected, Kamala will be President, haven’t they? And the age difference between candidates is only 3 years (although I thought Biden looked pretty darned frail).

We have 130 days to go…

A whole lot can happen in 130 days.

Now you know: William Taft was the heaviest president at 340 pounds. James Madison was the lightest president at 100 pounds. The average weight of US Presidents (recorded over time) is 182 pounds.