sometimes your junk can benefit others

Jun 30, 2024

When we moved from Seymour back to the outskirts of Crothersville, we contemplated putting the living room furniture in the dumpster. We would’ve if it hadn’t already been full of other stuff we didn’t want to move. We put the old set in the new family room when we moved.

Once new furniture was delivered, the old had to go.

new furniture in the family room

When you live in the country, you can just have a bonfire with furniture. That’s what we planned to do. At the last minute, I called Katie and asked her if she knew of anyone that would want the old stuff. Although old and in need of a good cleaning, it’s still the most comfortable couch ever — and so is the recliner that also had to go.

old furniture that had to go

Katie to the rescue!

Katie knew of a guy that lived in his van until he moved into another friend’s garage. He recently rented a trailer and has ZERO furniture. Dude’s sleeping on an air mattress after giving his son the bed Katie gave him.

A couple hours later, Katie showed up with a truck and trailer — with the furnitureless dude, his son, and another friend. With Perry’s help, my old stuff was loaded and delivered. The helper friend sent Katie a photo after she and Perry were back home. It was of the dude and his son stretched out on their “new” couch.

They were thrilled and grateful… and so was I.

I was thrilled we didn’t have to burn the big items, and the dude and his boy were grateful and so happy to have furniture in their new place. It’s true that one man’s (or woman’s in this case) trash is another man’s treasure. 🙂

Now you know: Elizabeth I had a lot of missing teeth from eating so many sweets, making it difficult for foreign ambassadors to understand what she was saying. (As an aside, Biden has teeth and I still can’t understand him!)