phrases that will make others lose respect

Jul 5, 2024

You are NOT going to change someone’s mind by insulting them. You’re not!

What’s got my attention and my ire up is a meme with a comment that some of my friends — and former teachers — are sharing on FB.

Why not THINK before you insult?

There’s a meme that says: If you can’t join the military with a felony on your record, how can a person with a felony become Commander in Chief?

Stand alone, it’s thought provoking, for sure. I agree that everyone has a right to stand up for what they believe in — religion, politics, and everything else in between. No harm. No foul.

But what follows the meme… and is also being shared… is this:

Feel free to take as much time as you need to process this – even if it taxes your educational skills…

Think about this — if you catch the attention of a Trump supporter with the meme, why then insult them? You’ve officially shut the door on bringing them over to your side. If a person doesn’t jump to agree with you on something you believe, they’re automatically stupid?

Don’t be a bully — and if you’re an educator (or a former one), mentioning educational skills in this manner isn’t cool. 🙄

This is a beautiful spot. If you don’t agree, you’re dumb.

beautiful sky

Take as much time as you need to process that these are flowers and not weeds in the photo below — even if it taxes your educational skills…

black-eyed susans in a vase

Now you know: The same person was the voice for Miss Piggy, Yoda, Cookie Monster, Grover, Fozzie Bear, and Bert!