a last minute family get-together

Jul 6, 2024

My cousin, Celina, was making an impromptu trip to Jackson County from Oklahoma when she sent a text to cousins to see if anyone wanted to meet up. There are a lot of us, but with it being a holiday weekend — and short notice — not many could show up.

It was still a good time…

cousins night out

We met at Thirsty’s in C’ville because we figured it was a place that wouldn’t kick us out. Not sure who was roasted more — Debra (in the back holding up a bottle of beer) or Tader.

Feel free to vote. Here’s another photo to help you decide:

Jerilyn, Debra and Tader

A photo with Sherry…

My cousin, Sherry, insisted we have a photo together. She said she wanted a new one because the one I shared on FB on her birthday makes her look like a giraffe. Heh. I won’t be sharing this one — that’s for sure.

me & Sherry

Tattoos all around!

Tader wants all of us to get matching tattoos. His idea was a peacock with names on each feather for every cousin. I’m out.

Now you know: In the movie Forrest Gump, the girl on the school bus who refuses to let Forrest sit next to her is played by Elizabeth Hanks, the daughter of Tom Hanks.