travel from an old person’s point of view

Jul 8, 2024

Katie’s birthday was yesterday (happy birthday, Katie!), and I talked to her on the phone for a bit. She was telling me about almost having a panic attack. She took off in her car only to realize too late she’d forgotten her phone at home, and she wasn’t exactly sure of her destination’s location.

When she lost sight of the person she was following, she basically flipped her shit. 🤪

I’m so old I remember…

  1. Everyone kept a map in their car’s glovebox. You’d plan your route and do your best to memorize the trip. If, while on your travels, you weren’t sure where to turn or go next, you’d pull over to consult your map.
  2. As time progressed, there was MapQuest. Those with computers could plan their travel route and print the driving directions before ever leaving home.

Trip complete, Katie found her phone.

Katie’s lifestyle has drastically changed since she moved to Tennessee. She’d left her phone with the mules she watered before leaving. 🙂

Now you know: It is estimated that medical errors is the 3rd leading cause of U.S deaths, causing up to 250k deaths yearly.