what stage of life are you in?

Jul 12, 2024

I watched Biden’s press conference tonight. I was left wondering what stage of life he’s in… and what stage of life he believes he’s in.

I get so frustrated and aggravated when I hear Trump saying, “Crooked Joe” and blabbing when he shouldn’t. (My Momma taught me name calling was ugly and it stuck.) On the other hand, President Biden is facing calls to undergo cognitive testing. He continues to claim testing is unnecessary. But why not just do it to calm voter’s fears if you’re so confident you’re mentally sharp?

I believe age is just a number… sort of. 🥴

I’m a long way from being as old as either candidate, but I’m not afraid to admit I’m not as mentally agile as I once was. If you’re over 50, just play a video game against someone younger. It’s not just how fast you move those fingers — it’s how your brain processes the actions your fingers need to take.

Here I am wanting to slow down and enjoy more of this…

summer sky

… and Biden is wanting another 4 years of what must be the most stressful job in the history of jobs.

“I’m at the stage in my life where I keep myself out of arguments. Even if you tell me 1+1=5. You’re absolutely correct, enjoy.”

keanu reeves

I figure I’ve got one foot in the same stage of life as Keanu. The other foot is up in the air not exactly sure where it should be planted. What about you?

Now you know: According to new Pew Research Center poll, 63% of voters are embarrassed by both Trump and Biden. (Link to article on PewResearch.org.)