birds are thirsty when it’s hot

Jul 15, 2024

I need to change the sugary water in my hummingbird feeders, but hate to run off the little fairy-like creatures when they’re sucking down what’s already there. It’s a scorcher today and the feeder I have on the deck is like Grand Central Station.

Not sure what to do about this guy…

Like some fat moocher you can’t get rid of, I have a woodpecker that chases away the hummers to feast at their watering hole.

woodpecker at hummingbird feeder

I’m pretty sure this woodpecker in particular identifies as a hummingbird. It’s popular to do that nowadays, yanno. Perry has an employee that identifies as a jellyfish (yes, seriously) so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that’s what is happening here.

At least it’s the same species. 😉

Now you know: 120.2 billion servings of instant noodles were eaten around the world in 2023 alone. Assuming it takes three minutes to prepare each serving, then the total time spent on preparing noodles last year was approximately 690,000 years.