what’s up with the cooler evenings?

Jul 24, 2024

Evening temps were down in the low 60’s for several days, leading up to last night when it finally stayed above 70°. Cool nights are great — except if you like to swim in warmer water. The pool here is back to 80° and that’s 4-6° less than I prefer. When the sun is behind the clouds, or when there is a bit of wind, it’s chilly.

Mr. Pool man says water temp is out of his control, so we need a run of warmer evenings.

designated pool man

Cooler doesn’t mean it lacks beauty.

Here we are in the latter part of July, and the corn in the field next door is tall. So tall that I can no longer see US31 from here unless I’m on the top deck, and I can barely see the top of the roof belonging to those Pesky Neighbors even from that high point.

rural indiana night sky

We’re now eating home grown tomatoes like it’s our job, and parents are already thinking about sending their kids back to school. Seems crazy, right? Summer has barely gotten into full swing and we’re already thinking about the next season.

Why is it that winter seems to last forever and summer is gone in the blink of an eye?

Now you know: Pennies and nickels cost more to produce than their face value. The United States has lost nearly half a billion dollars minting pennies and nickels from 2021-2023.