when debunking political claims doesn’t turn out like you expected

Aug 1, 2024

This isn’t about politics insofar as who you should vote for. It is more about big tech and how people can be manipulated by it.

We’ve all seen the iconic photo of Trump surrounded by secret service after an assassination attempt. And we know it’s being censored by Meta (Facebook/Instagram/etc.). Dani Lever, a spokesperson for Facebook, called the censorship “an error.”

Ooops! Ok, I can understand that… especially since they let my 113 year-old dead grandma eat eclairs with another fake profile. 🙄

But then I noticed all the claims that Google searches were being rigged for Democrats. Ridiculous, right? Bah! It’s easy to check that claim for accuracy.

All you have to do is a simple Google search.

Google search on Kamala and Trump

Uh oh. Searching for Kamala Harris I got what I expected… Kamala Harris top stories. But when I searched for Donald Trump, I didn’t get what I expected… I got more Kamala Harris. No matter what your politics are, that should concern you. It concerns me.

Dogs have it better than humans.

Dogs don’t worry that Google’s algorithm for predictive auto complete is whacked — for Democrats or against Trump, not sure which. Not one dog has read the article about it on Associated Press noting claims of election interference and wondered how that’s fair. They don’t need to worry about interest rates, immigration, abortion rights… or anything facing voters.

Matter of fact, Merida’s biggest worry is when she’s going to get a treat.

Merida has no worries

I’m not sure how we can endure this for 3 more months. 🙁

Now you know: The US Navy refused to cooperate with the filming of the movie Crimson Tide (1995), so getting officially sanctioned footage of a submarine wasn’t possible. Instead, the film crew waited at a naval base until a submarine was actually put to sea and pursued it in a boat and helicopter.