dark before 8:00 PM in August!

Aug 3, 2024

During the winter months in Indiana, you can expect it to be dark by 7:30 PM. With winter days being shorter combined with daylight savings time, we don’t even think about it much. But in the summertime in Indiana, we enjoy daylight until at least 9:00 PM… later than that until August.

But not last night…

We’ve had SO MUCH rain and even more incoming today.

The ditch in front of the pesky neighbor’s home was overflowing yesterday afternoon, and the ditch the county dug in front of the barndo — even though I begged them not to (remember that?) — has ZERO standing or flowing water in it. It remains an unnecessary hinderance to mow around — and a pain the butt to weed-eat and spray. Thank you so much, Jackson County. 🙄

Crops around the area are thrilled with the recent rainfall.

Mr. Farmer’s corn fields all look amazing this year.

While field corn is flourishing, it’s not been a great year for tomatoes in this part of Jackson County. We have some, but we’re not buried in them like years before — certainly not like last year when we ate mass amounts daily before they had time to go bad.

Still, I’m grateful for what we do have — and even the rain isn’t all that bad.

Now you know: Because of their naturally amiable personalities, Samoyeds make poor security dogs. They don’t attack dangers; they simply smile and growl at them.