the entire world is smoke and mirrors

Aug 12, 2024

Just as I’ve done for years, I begin each day checking email and reading the latest news as I’m having my first cup of coffee. (This is directly after catering to the needs of two demanding hound dogs.) It’s time to figure out a different schedule to set a more positive tone for the rest of my day.

almost Christmas - week 33

What does it say about the current state of the media when the most trusted source is The Weather Channel?

I’m not one that can get in some exercise, drink a smoothie, and shower right after rolling out of bed. On the other hand, opening my brain to propaganda, rhetoric, and manipulation first thing isn’t working for me either. My perception is that no matter where I turn for news — with the exception of my local newspaper — the narrative is controlled to influence public opinion.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about…

WaPo ad

See that little notation on the top right of the screenshot above that says, “Ad“? Obviously, it would be impossible for anyone to know if Trump is more angry today than he was yesterday or even last week about anything. But when the Washington Post puts this information out there in the form of an article, the average person believes it’s news.

WaPo ad

Even more deceptive, if you want to READ either of the articles that are really ads so you can form your own opinions, you must first pay to subscribe for access. They’re behind a pay wall.

No tax on tips!

Trump first said if elected, there would be “no tax on tips.” Since that was pretty popular, Kamala decided she’d campaign on that promise too. No matter who is elected — if what they promise is true — tips won’t be taxed.

Trump is also campaigning on the policy that seniors shouldn’t pay tax on SSI. Here’s hoping Kamala sheeps him on that issue too — ensuring a tax break for me and all the other oldies but goodies no matter the outcome of the election. 🙂

Starting my day with something other than news…

I asked ChatGPT what I could do instead of reading all the mainstream media BS first thing in the morning. It told me to enjoy a nutritious breakfast while listening to music or reading a book. I’m going to test that out tomorrow morning — I’ll let you know how it worked for me.

Now you know: An October 2023 Pew Research Center poll revealed that 58% of Americans prefer to get their news from a digital device — TV, 27%; radio 6%; and print 5%.