i broke out the popcorn

Aug 13, 2024

Last night, Elon Musk interviewed Donald Trump on X (Twitter) via X Spaces. It started 40 minutes late because of a DDOS attack. (Basically, hackers flood servers with traffic to overwhelm the infrastructure — distributed denial of service.) Over 1.3 million people were listening once the challenge was rectified.

stats for Trump interview on X

popcorn for trump musk interview

It was basically a conversation that a whole bunch of people could listen to. When you think about it from a technology standpoint, the mere fact that it’s possible is pretty darned amazing.

Something else amazing? I got out of bed this morning!

After polishing off the last of a skid of mulch, I thought it might take a crane to get me up.

mulch work

I still need probably another 20 bags before it gets cool outside. After that, I think refreshing next year will be enough. Whew! It took a ton of effort to whip this place into shape. I don’t think you ever really finish everything you want to do when you’re a homeowner, but just getting even here has been a challenge.

It doesn’t help that I’ve had an influx of freeloaders here lately. 😉

I currently have a whole lot of mouths to feed, but none of the eaters are willing to work.

hummingbird freeloaders

Now you know: The 2nd heaviest person in recorded history (1,340 lbs) was ordered by his government to undergo weight loss treatment. He lost over 700 lbs in just 6 months, and currently weighs 150 lbs.