i take the summer off and everything breaks

Aug 15, 2024

It’s probably time to buy a lawnmower. Thing is, the ole’ cub usually mows GREAT. Yesterday, it mowed great for 2 rounds in the small triangle and then died.

the cub quit on me

Mr. Pesky to the rescue!

Mr. Pesky checked and added oil and started the thing right up. Yah, it made me look bad… but that’s ok because I got the entire yard mowed. I even mowed the front 3 times so it would look better. It got ahead of me a bit — we had a bunch of rain causing rapid growth — and I had to wait for Perry to put a new belt on.

The barndo sets on a hill that I refuse to mow. I don’t like sitting sideways so I leave that part for people braver than I am to finish. After I’d mowed all day with no problem at all, Perry made one round and the belt he just put on slipped off. We towed her back to the garage and she’s waiting for him to redo his previous work.

The second I have no income, everything decides to break.

My Ego push mower’s battery charger took a shit first. The garage door stopped working so I had to have that repaired. The lawnmower broke the first time a week ago, and if it’s a pulley problem, the belt already purchased won’t be the last of the repair bill for it. Add in 100 other things that I’m not going to whine about and I either need to apply for SSI or go back to work.

I don’t know how people afford to live right now. Sheesh! 🙁

If you’re stressed like I am, enjoy the short clip of my g/f Julie’s hummingbird collection. I’m jealous!!

Now you know: On the day he was assassinated, at least nine of Kennedy’s Secret Service agents were recovering from an all night bender that ended at 5:00 AM.