do you focus on the used to?

Aug 28, 2024

I found that the older I get the more I tend to focus on the “used to” instead of the “going to.” I used to look like (fill in the blank). I used to do (fill in the blank) all the time.

As we age, there truly are some things we can no longer do — just ask Dharma!

Dharma used to do a lot more than she does now.

And there are things we used to do that we no longer do because of opportunity. For example, I’d bet $100 bucks me and my buddy, Alisa, could water still water ski. I just don’t know anyone that spends days on a boat anymore, so that’s a “used to” out of necessity.

Replacing USED TO with GOING TO

You’re never too old — or too young — to set realistic goals and work to accomplish them. It’s a matter of setting your mind to think about what you’re going to do instead of what you used to do.

Before you know it, you’ll be creating “used to” things to reminisce about tomorrow while accumulating a whole lot more “doing” each day.

It’s up to you!

What “used to” can you replace with something new?

Now you know: The American Military’s C-5 Galaxy is nicknamed FRED by aircrews. FRED stands for “Fucking Ridiculous Economic (or) Environmental Disaster”. The C-5 uses large amounts of fuel, requires extensive maintenance, isn’t reliable, & its cost of production is high.