about a month out from vacation

Sep 22, 2024

I don’t have a vacation planned in the near future, but my lawnmower does. One of the things I like about whatifitdid is the ability to see what was going on a year ago… 2 years ago… and even 15 years ago. That’s how I know that 10/20 was the last yard mowing for 2023 — meaning we likely have another month before Ms. Cub Cadet gets a rest.

Yesterday was work outside in the blistering heat under an air quality alert day.

I worked the rider while Perry tackled the ditch with the weed eater. You only get a break on that job once you wear down 2 batteries.

perry taking a break

And the job foreman keeps a close eye out for slackers…

Merida is job foreman

Timings from fall last year…

  • First fire in the wood boiler was 10/15/23.
  • First hard frost was 10/10/23.
  • The pool got closed on 10/4/23.
  • The field next to me was harvested on 10/3/23.

Now that summer is over and fall is here — what was your most favorite thing about summer 2024?

Now you know: Disney spends about $50M each year on fireworks, over $130k a night. The only consumer that tops this is the military.