Home Depot: you need a snow shovel

Sep 24, 2024

Anytime you buy ANYTHING, your email address will end up on their mailing list. More likely than not, your email will end up on multiple lists as they also sell your info. Sometimes, those pushy marketing emails bring your attention to something amazing! Like today… this really important message was in the mix with around 100 others and I’m just lucky I saw it.

Home Depot wanted to let me know I needed to purchase a snow shovel ASAP — and they have the perfect one for me. It’s even on sale for the next 5 days.

But it’s just recently turned fall!

Riding home from Seymour with Ben, I noticed the corn growing on the side of the road. It looked brown enough to be ready for harvest!

corn field ready for harvest?

The corn here looks like it has weeks to go before Mr. Farmer will be in harvest mode…

corn still green here

Who knows if the crops were planted near the same time or if the conditions were different (not sure how different since they’re not that far apart). What I do know is that I never really looked at corn before moving here. Heck… in Seymour, I wasn’t sure there was corn except in a can from the Jay C store. 😉

What seems to be consistent locally is the number of hummingbirds gathering at feeders.

Talked to my friend, Julie in Scipio, and we were both talking about how we have only a handful of hummers left. Sure hate to see those amazing little creatures hit the southbound trail. I hope they remember to stop here next year and bypass those pesky neighbors down the road.

Now you know: In a resting state, the brain consumes about 20% of the body’s energy. The sight and hearing parts of the brain consume far more energy than parts used for smell and memory. Also, white matter only uses 20-25% of energy as gray matter.