3 things that dogs and diets have in common

Oct 2, 2024

ONE: Consistency is key — no matter if you’re training a dog or following a diet, consistency is crucial for success.

TWO: Positive reinforcement works — dogs thrive on positive reinforcement and rewarding yourself for staying on track with a diet can be a great motivator to keep going.

THREE: Both dogs and diets are a pain in the ass.

Dharma is wet

The diet challenge continues. 🙁

We’ve reached the halfway point in the fat chicks diet challenge. Jerilyn is always the quitter — she’s never made it to this point in year’s past. I expected the same this time around. But no! She’s still watching what she eats and she’s still losing.

I’m competitive enough that I won’t quit first no matter how badly I want to. Not gonna’ lie… I’m really tired of this. I honestly don’t know how people that have 50-100 pounds to lose do it. The dedication required over a long period of time deserves respect, for sure.

Now you know: The Brooklyn Bridge was inaugurated in 1883 and was considered an engineering marvel at the time. However, rumors of its weakness caused a public panic that led to the death of about 12 people. To restore confidence in the bridge’s strength, P.T. Barnum marched 21 elephants and 17 camels across.