Perry brought home some viral thing from work. He gave it to me and then I gave it to Ben. It’s a whole lot easier to pass it on than to get rid of it. Perry’s going on 2 weeks of blowing his nose and coughing. I’m almost to 1 week now and Ben has just a few days under his belt. It’s why I didn’t post here for a few days.
It’s not so bad you’re bedridden, but bad enough that you don’t want to do anything. Just ask Perry. 😉

The weather doesn’t help.

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, we’re going to pretend like we’re back in the ole’ COVID days. Perry’s in charge of smoking a ham and I’m doing a turkey breast with noodles, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, and dressing. Mom’s doing slaw and desserts with Carl’s help. Then we’re going to split it up and eat it separately.
While not an ideal way to spend a holiday, I don’t want those Pesky neighbors to catch the bug.
I’ve never been a huge fan of Thanksgiving anyway. I figure we’re getting all of this sick crud out of the way now so we’ll all be healthy for Christmas — my favorite holiday. Two trees inside, a few lights outside, and wreaths on the doors is as good as it’s going to get this year.
It’s funny how this tree looks so small here when it touched the ceiling and looked at least twice this size in Seymour. 🙂

Mr. Pesky has decorated for days and I can see most of his display from here. I’ll share photos at some point before 12/25/24.
Now you know: In 1995, Johnny Depp saved Courtney Love’s life after she overdosed outside The Viper Room in Los Angeles. Depp performed CPR until paramedics arrived, helping revive Love before she was rushed to the hospital.